This is Dave's blog which represents the ideas and opinions of Dave concerning all things Aussie and especially the wholesale desecration of the Aussie culture and way of life.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Islamic terrorism is the fruit of Islam
Article available here at Ali sina dot org
This interview was originally posted on
One of the most outspoken critics of Islam around the world these days is a Canadian man, Ali Sina, who is formerly a Muslim himself. He runs the Faith Freedom International movement. Ali Sina has some highly controversial positions concerning Islam and American president Barack Obama as well and he has recently come out with a book, Understanding Muhammad, which continues to stir things up. I found this man to be extremely provocative as well as interesting so I asked him for an interview so that he could share his own insight as to what Islam is at base and what is going on in the world today. The communication flowed as follows…
Gary Dale Cearley: Could you let us know a little about yourself and your background?
Ali Sina: I was born in a Muslim family. Today no one in my immediate family is a Muslim and I know that many of my extended family that is still living in Iran, like most Iranians, have either left Islam or are in the process of doing so. Many Iranians have just ceased to believe in Islam.
Since childhood, injustice harrowed my soul. I became vegan because cruelty pains me. Scenes of cruelty affect me profoundly. They still do, as they did when I was a child. Many young people react to injustice by becoming revolutionaries. They choose violent means to combat injustice and hence bring more injustice and violence to the world. I prayed to become an instrument of peace. To bring love where there is hate; understanding, where there is confusion; peace, where there is discord. That was of course all wishful thinking, when I myself was confused, trapped in a bubble of lies.
I pondered upon injustice and I believed it is caused by greed. Later I came to understand a lot of evil is committed, because of beliefs in evil doctrines. To quote Blaise Pascal, “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
When I read the Quran, the whole meaning of Pascal’s words became apparent. It was then that I decided the time for prayer is over and the time for action has begun. Of course this awakening did not happen overnight. It took me two years of study, inner fight and soul searching. I was taken from denial to shock, and then to guilt and to confusion, to depression and to anger and finally to enlightenment, forgiveness and inner peace. It was an arduous odyssey, but worth making.
I started writing about my findings on the internet and more enlightened ex-Muslims joined. Our little trickle became a torrent and now we are a movement, bringing about a silent revolution, not with violence, but through understanding, by explaining the unexplained and spreading knowledge.
We have helped thousands of Muslims to discover the fallacy of Islam and join the rest of humanity in amity. My childhood prayer has come true. I have become an instrument of peace and I am not alone. We are now a legion that has risen to demolish the darkness of ignorance with the light of knowledge.
Gary Dale Cearley: You have written a book, Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet. Tell us about it.
Ali Sina: The book, as its title says, delves into the motives behind the actions of Muhammad. Muhammad is an enigma. He did many things that make one believe he was sincere. He gave the impression that he believed to be a prophet, while at the same time he was ruthless, cunning, and evil. So how can you explain this oxymoron? Was he a liar? If so how could he be so convinced?
In my book, Understanding Muhammad, I give a brief account of his biography. Muhammad’s life story is covered in many books and one can learn it from original sources called Sira. The concern of my book is the psychology of Muhammad.
Understanding Muhammad does not focus on “what,” but rather on “why.” Instead of narrating what Muhammad did or say, it explains the mental impulses that led him to act in the way he did.
I have shown that Muhammad suffered from a series of morbidities, mental, and personality disorders that collectively explain the phenomenon known as Islam. Once you understand the psychological makeup of Muhammad and the milieu in which he operated, you’ll come to see that Islam was almost inevitable.
The book does exactly what it claims. It makes the reader understand Muhammad and Islam. It has received encouraging reviews. Sam Vaknin, the author of Malignant Self-love wrote, “Understanding Muhammad offers an explanatory scheme. One “a-ha” moment chases another as things fall into place and a causative chain emerges leading all the way from medieval founder to his current day followers and emulators.” Once you read the book, you’ll not only understand Muhammad, but Muslims too.
This book has been read by many Muslims, who first wrote to me to prove I am mistaken. I challenged them to read the book and now many of them are my strong allies. I believe once the insight that this book offers spreads, Islam will become history and with it Islamic terrorism will ceases to exist.
Gary Dale Cearley: As you have become apostate in the eyes of Muslims, I am interested in what kinds of threats have you had from the Muslim community and from where have the threats come?
Ali Sina: When you leave Islam threats come from all directions. Your apostasy offends every Muslim who will each attack you in their own way. Some Muslims want to kill you but not every Muslim is a murderer. Those who do not issue a death threat snub you, pity you, and vilify you. I was informed that there are two fatwas to kill me from two mullahs in India. There was also a price put on my head: One million rupees. This is only $20,000 dollars. I was a bit disappointed. I thought I am worth more, but hey, it is more than 30 silver coins for which Christ was sold.
Gary Dale Cearley: What changes have you undergone within your own family since you renounced Islam?
Ali Sina: Not much really. My family was not fanatical. We were among those deluded believers who think Islam means peace and the terrorists have got it all wrong. It was quite a surprise for me to read the Quran and see that it were we who got it all wrong and the terrorists are just doing what a good Muslims is supposed to do.
The majority of Muslims belong to this category. They are deluded and think Islam is peaceful. They condemn the so called extremists. However, the truth is that the extremists are the ones who understand Islam best and the moderates don’t. The moderates believe in a benign form of Islam that is made up by them and has nothing to do with the Islam of Muhammad.
Gary Dale Cearley: Are you open with Muslims about having turned your back on Islam as a religion?
Ali Sina: I am not in contact with them anymore.
Gary Dale Cearley: If you could come face-to-face with Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri, what would you like to tell them?
Ali Sina: The only message I would like to deliver to those beasts is a bullet in their sculls. My message to all Muslims is that Islam is a lie and they should not kill people or sacrifice their own lives for a lie. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but they all harbor distrust, if not hatred of non-Muslims, to the extent that they practice Islam.
Islam is a faith that is built on hate. Without an enemy Islam loses its raison d’être. A good example to make is what happened recently in Iran. Ahmadinijad, the man who stole the elections appointed [Esfandiar Rahim] Mashai, a relative by marriage, as his vice president. Mashai’s nomination angered the hardliners and Khamanei was humiliated his own handpicked and protégée president and ordered him to dump Mashai. Why? Because last year Mashai said, “Iranians are friends of all people in the world — even Israelis.” He was serving as vice president in charge of tourism and cultural heritage at the time.”
By making this comment, even though he really did not mean it as he is part of the Islamic regime and shares the same hatred of Israel, Mashai had undermined the legitimacy of the Islamic republic that is founded on hatred and needs perpetual enemies for its own sustenancef. Not only that, he also undermined the legitimacy of Islam that is founded on hatred of non-Muslims and particularly the Jews. Islam needs enemies to survive. The hatred must be kept alive. Sigmund Freud wrote in Civilization and Its Discontents, “It is always possible to bind together a considerable number of people in love, so long as there are other people left over to receive the manifestations of their aggressiveness”
Muslims are united, as long as there are non-Muslims to hate. But once among themselves they will start fighting over who is a true believer and will target their hatred towards those who interpret Islam differently. As long as Islam is believed to be a religion of God the hatred will continue and the killing and wars will not end. So, really there is no other option but to expose the fallacy of Islam and wean Muslims from Islam.
This message cannot be heard by hardened terrorists. This message is for ordinary Muslims who don’t know the truth about Islam, who will be shocked to learn it. This mass of moderate Muslims is the backbone of Islamic jihad. The Jihadis come from these very ordinary Muslims and are supported by them both morally and financially. If we can make these Muslims see the truth Islamic terrorism will end.
Islamic terrorism is the fruit of Islam. It’s the tree that has to be eradicated. As long as this tree is in place it will continue to produce bitter fruits.
Gary Dale Cearley: How has the non-Muslim community accepted you?
Ali Sina: There is no problem with the non-Muslim community. Non-Muslims do not have the concept of “us vs. them” that is so intrinsic in Islamic psyche. I live in Canada. We are a nation of immigrants. We are all equals and asking someone about his or her religion is considered to be rude. No one cares what you believe. In Canada I am just another Canadian.
There are Muslims who feel alienated in Western countries. That is because they choose not to integrate. They want to wear their backward Islamic clothing, cover their women in black bed sheets, eat differently, act differently, think differently and denigrate the culture and the country where they live. It is natural not to be accepted if you are obnoxious. We have large communities of Hindus and Sikhs in Canada that are fully integrated, and are the backbone of the Canadian economy while Muslims, coming from the same neck of the woods, do not integrate. It is their fault that they don’t integrate. Western countries are open to all and sundry. People here are not prejudiced. They are learning to dislike Muslims and who can blame them?
Gary Dale Cearley: What advice do you have for Barack Obama and other leaders of Western nations in dealing with radical Islam?
Ali Sina: My advice to Barack Obama is to pack up and seek refuge in Kenya before Americans discover you are a fraud and a traitor.
This man is on a mission to destroy America. Polls show Americans are waking up and are realizing the big mistake they have committed. Obama is in office not because of his merits, but because of the white guilt. He hated America all his life. Tell me who are your friends and I will tell you who you are. Who were the friends of Obama? Jeremiah Write, Bill Ayer, Louis Farrakhan, Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, and a bunch of other goons!
Who were his mentors when he was growing up? The pedophile Frank Marshal Davis and the black supremacist Malcolm X! I do not give advices to the enemies of America.
However, if America had a legitimate president, my advice would be ban Islam and make the practice of Sharia illegal.
During the Cold War America banned communism because communism was a threat to the Constitution of America. President Truman introduced the Federal Employee Loyalty Program (FELP) in 1947 aimed at combating security risks from working for the Federal Government. Every person taking on a new job in the civil service or government had to be investigated.
Congress set up the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) that investigated Communist involvement in the film industry, education, unions and the government. A couple, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of espionage and selling nuclear secrets to the Soviets during the WW2 and rightly were executed. Yes, excesses were also committed. But it is a mistake to condemn America’s resolve to fight against its internal enemies because of those excesses.
Maybe because of those excesses Americans have become guilt ridden to the extent that they have lost the will to defend their country in the face of a real threat. Remember how Pakistan got its nuclear bomb? It was because Abdul Qadeer Khan, a Muslim, was allowed to join the staff of the Physical Dynamics Research Laboratory (FDO) in the Netherlands and from there he stole the technology and went back to Pakistan to build the “Islamic bomb.” Muslims allegiance is only to Islam. You cannot trust them in sensitive jobs.
This July the Islamic extremist organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir, (Liberation Party) hosted its first organized conference in the United States, titled “Fall of Capitalism and Rise of Islam.” The conference, attended by 700 people, was hosted in Hilton Hotel in Chicago. Amazingly Hilton rejected an event featuring Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian that is fighting against Islamic expansion in the Europe. The goal of Hizb-ut-Tahrir is to overthrow the governments of the world and establish the caliphate, allegedly through non violent means. This group is banned in most Islamic countries, but it is allowed to operate in the USA and to openly promote the abolition of the American Constitution.
These people are right here in America and are given full immunity to plot the destruction of America. If there was a patriotic president in office, I would have told him to ban all Islamic groups that work against America and its constitution. But we don’t have a patriotic president. We have a racist man who hated America all his life and is doing everything he can to weaken its Judeo-Christian base and open the floodgate to Muslims. His bow and genuflection to the Saudi King, the head of the Wahhabi school of Islam should tell us everything about where Obama’s loyalty lies.
Anyone with commonsense knows that Islam is in war with America. What does Obama do? He appoints two devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts.
Arif Alikhan is a devout Sunni Muslim. As assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security, Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department’s plan to monitor its Muslim community. He is affiliated with MPAC, the “Muslim Public Affairs Council”. This is like putting the fox in charge of the hen coop. Americans must prepare themselves for more terrorist attacks and the responsibility falls on Obama and of course every one of those who voted for this traitor.
Now, I don’t blame Obama. He is doing what he had dreamt to do since his youth and that is to destroy America. My wonder is at Americans who have handed their country to a buffoon enemy. Obama is not an intellectual. He is stupid. Obama lied and he deceived the gullible people. That is where narcissists excel. They are charming and convincing liars. We all commit mistakes. But why now that the truth has come out and it is clear that this impostor is working against America he is not sacked? Obama is not a legitimate president. Don’t let the biased lame stream media fool you. Facts are out there for those who care to study them. Obama should be brought to justice, tried and preferably electrocuted for high treason.
Anyway, back to your question: America has to confront Islam, recognize it as a hostile ideology and educate the public of the threat that it poses.
Gary Dale Cearley: Lots of people, from the man on the street to sociologists to politicians, have expressed concern regarding the growth of Muslim immigration to the West. Should they be concerned and if so what concerns should they have?
Ali Sina: Yes, they should be concerned. Muslims are not like other immigrants. They don’t want to integrate in your melting pot, but to conquer the country through demographic and warfare. Let us hearken to Omar Ahmad, Co-Founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth…”
“Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide, …They kill themselves for Islam.”
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Cry baby Muslims offended by Trinny & Susannah

Newspaper ads for the "Trinny & Susannah Do Israel" show has sparked a row among Muslims, as it shows the two British fashion advisors dressed in immodest clothing against the backdrop of the al-Aqsa Mosque and Western Wall.
Channel 10 apologized for the incident on Wednesday evening and promised to change the ads immediately.
The Islamic Movement's al-Aqsa institution association slammed Channel 10 for publishing a picture of the two women wearing strapless dresses against the backdrop of the mosque.
Trinny & Susannah ad. 'Abomination' The association demanded that Channel 10 remove the ads immediately. "This is not the first time Israelis make use of pictures of the al-Aqsa Mosque, which violate the sanctity of Islam, whether with alcohol bottles or in order to promote tourism to occupied Jerusalem. We call for the immediate removal of the newspaper ads." After apologizing for the ad, Channel 10 decided to change it immediately, using PR photos instead of images of Jerusalem. "We had no intention and have no intention of hurting the feelings of Jews, Muslims, Christians or any other people. We apologize if these ads have offended any religious sentiments." article available from I must say, I too was terribly offended, those two examples of beautiful and successful western women standing in front of an example of Islamic hatred and oppression. Is Channel Ten going to apologize to me too? No, not likely, it seems Ten is far more interested in implementing sharia law than it is in implementing liberty and freedom. - Dave.
New Hope for Freedom Fighters: “Jewish Al-Jazeera” to Combat Big Lies and Blood Libels
There are strong pockets of resistance to Islamist tyranny in every one of the 57 Muslim countries, including in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. True, such groups are disorganized and politically weak, but, unlike so many “progressive” Westerners, they have been willing to pay a high price for telling the truth and for organizing to obtain their freedom. They have been censored, silenced, jailed, tortured, impoverished, exiled or murdered. They tell me that my writings about Islamic gender apartheid, honor killings, polygamy, forced child marriage, the burqa, female genital mutilation, etc. have given them strength and hope. They do not feel completely abandoned by western so-called “progressives” who have been completely Stalinized and Palestinianized and have thus embraced Islamist and anti-Zionist totalitarian movements in the name of “anti-racism,” “anti-imperialism,” and “anti-colonialism.” Every ex-Muslim and anti-Islamist religious or secular Muslim also gives them hope and inspiration.
read more here..